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Welcome to the international Forró Aachen dance festival 2017, a brasilian dancing experience! 

"The success story continues" - for the first time ever - with love - we will organise for you a One Week Forró Dance and Music Festival - 8° Edition, from the 06th until the 12th of November 2017. Existing since 2005, Forró Aachen wants to celebrate its 12th anniversary with YOU!!!

Once again, the cosy city of Aachen turns into the wild and wonderful centre of the forró pé de serra scene in Europe.

Let’s enjoy 7 seven shimmering days of workshops with brilliant dancing-teachers, fascinating shows, ecstatic brasilian parties and breath taking live music and a lot of surprises.

The Forró Aachen Festival has become one of the largest and best quality Forró events in Europe. We will do all that is necessary for a “Forró deluxe experience” for YOU again!

Workshops are taught by local, national and international teachers. The participants come from all around the world. In the past years we had participants from the Netherlands, Russia, Australia, Japan, Ukraine, Spain, Denmark, Italy, Germany, England, Portugal, Belgium and France.

We are looking forward to an unforgettable time with you.

Your Forró Aachen festival team 2017.

Willkommen zum internationalen Forró Aachen Tanzfestival 2017, das brasilianische Tanzerlebnis!

„Die Erfolgsgeschichte setzt sich fort“ vom 06. bis zum 12. November 2017, dieses Mal eine Woche lang brasilianische Lebensfreude pur!

Forró Aachen, seit 2005 ein wachsender Verein, möchte seinen 12. Geburtstag mit DIR feiern!!!

Wieder einmal verwandelt sich die gemütliche Stadt Aachen in das wilde und wunderbare Zentrum der Forró Pé-de-Serra Szene in Europa. Lass uns zusammen eine Woche lang schillernde Tage aus Workshops mit brillanten Tanzlehrern, faszinierenden Shows, mitreißenden brasilianischen Partys und atemberaubender Livemusik genießen. 

Das Forró Aachen Tanz Festival ist mittlerweile zu einem der größten und qualitativ hochwertigsten Forró-Events in Europa geworden. Wir werden alles geben, dass es für DICH wieder ein "Forró-Deluxe-Erlebnis" wird!

Wir freuen uns riesig auf eine unvergessliche Zeit mit Dir. 

Dein Forró Aachen Festival Team 2017.



"amazing atmosphere, great workshops, perfect organization :)" 

Forró Aachen Festival 2015

"Workshops and city locatization beatiful, amazing and funny. Diamant :)" 

Forró Aachen Festival 2015

" Alles super :)" 

Forró Aachen Festival 2015

"It was great. My first forró festival. I am still rather a beginner so I could learn very very much" 

Forró Aachen Festival 2015

"Great musicians, great location. Especially, on Saturday, the location was amazing" 

Forró Aachen Festival 2015

"Perfect! Good music, good organisation, enough space to dance" 

Forró Aachen Festival 2015

"The teachers of Forro Festival Aachen 2016 we're amazing. Emotional, funny, human, humorous etc"

Forró Aachen Festival 2016

The saturday party was the highlight for me :)

Forró Aachen Festival 2016

"The musicians, the bands and the parties are really the reason that makes Aachen Festival outstanding. Having bands playing live music and the favorite Forro songs that we all love and like to dance. "

Forró Aachen Festival 2016

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Forró Aachen Copyright © 2017 - Alle Rechte vorbehalten - Todos os direitos reservados.
Photography Copyright © 2015 Stefan Liebich

Photography Copyright © 2016 Niklas Möller

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